IFBB Wings of Strength Competition 2014
Training Innovations would like to congratulate Jojo Ntiforo for his 2nd place finish at the IFBB Wings of Strength competition held July 4th & 5th in Chicago, IL. IFBB Pro veteran Roelly Winklaar was given 1st place, but it was the opinion of many in attendance that Jojo should have won the show. The great news is that with his 2nd place finish, Jojo is now qualified for Joe Weider’s Mr. Olympia competition to be held in Las Vegas on September 19th and 20th. This will be the 50th anniversary of the Mr. Olympia competition and will be televised on NBC sports. Congratulations to Jojo on a spectacular 2014 competitive year! We will all be out in Vegas to support you and hopefully watch you take a top 10 placing in the Super Bowl of bodybuilding! Click HERE to see pictures!
2014 Team Universe Competition
Body Fortress recently flew me out to the 2014 Team Universe bodybuilding, fitness, figure, physique, and bikini competition held July 4th & 5th at the Teaneck Marriott in Teaneck, NJ. There were several highlights of the weekend including: My team mate Kyle Amick and I had the amazing opportunity to do a photo shoot at Bev Frances’s Powerhouse Gym in Syosset, NY(also known as the East Coast Mecca of Gyms), meeting several new friends and fans, and Training Innovations’s own Martha Tierney competed and placed 4th in the Masters 35 and over figure A class. A big congratulations to her for representing New Mexico and Training Innovations so well. Click HERE to see pictures!
2014 Mr. New Mexico/Mid USA Championships
Training Innovations would like to congratulate Andrea Medina, Adriana Calderone, and Natalia Rael for their stellar performance at the 2014 Mr. New Mexico/Mid USA bodybuilding, fitness, figure, physique, and bikini championships held on June 28 at the Highland Theater. Andrea won first place in the masters figure B class in both the New Mexico State and Mid USA, and she also won first place in the Mid USA open figure B class. Adriana won first place in the New Mexico State open bikini D class, and Natalia placed 3rd in a very competitive Mid USA open bikini B class. Congratulations to all of you girls for representing Training Innovations so well! Click here for more photos!
2014 Bodybuilding.com Fit Expo
Body Fortress recently flew me out to the 2014 Bodybuilding.com Fit Expo held in Boise, Idaho the weekend of June 5th – June 8th. The first day of the expo was only open to Bodybuilding.com employees and their families, but the second day was open to the general public. There were so many people in attendance that there was a line of people wrapped around the building, waiting to get in. I had an awesome time and got to meet lots of new fans and friends. Click here for more photos.
2014 Europa Pro Super Show
Training Innovations would like to congratulate Jojo Ntiforo for his stellar performance at the 2014 Europa Pro Super Show held May 9th and 10th in Dallas Texas. Jojo placed 4th in a very tough lineup of competitors and arguably should have placed higher. Last year Jojo placed 9th in this same show. This was the best condition Jojo has been in to date and he was rewarded for it. Way to start the competition season off right Jojo. All the hard work is finally paying off. Click here for more photos!
2014 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic and Fit Expo
As many of you may already know, I can now proudly call myself a Body Fortress sponsored athlete. Body Fortress flew me out to the 2014 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic and Fit Expo held in Columbus, Ohio the weekend of February 28th – March 2nd. The Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic is a professional bodybuilding, fitness, figure, bikini, and physique competition that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself sanctions every year. It also features many other events including strong man, arm wrestling, boxing, fencing, etc. The Fit Expo is held in conjunction with the show in order for supplement companies and other vendors to display their different fitness products to the general public. I worked the Fit Expo all three days and had an amazing time and I even got the opportunity to flex my biceps for Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. Click here for more photos!
Training Innovations 10th annual Christmas Party
Training Innovations 9th annual Christmas Party
Training Innovations recently had our ninth annual Christmas party. We would like to say thanks to everybody who was able to attend. We would also like to say thanks to Garcia’s Kitchen for catering the event. Awards were given to clients that lost 25lbs or more, 50lbs or more, and even 75lbs or more. A most improved physique award was also given out again this year. There was a raffle give away with tons of prizes ranging from gift restaurant gift certificatesto gourmet boxes of truffles. A great time was had by all. Click here for more photos!
5 Tips for Quick Weight Loss
5 Tips for Quick Weight Loss
Tip #1 Eat every 2 – 4 hours during the day. This means 5 or 6 smaller meals a day versus 2 or 3 larger meals. Doing this will help improve your body composition, energy levels, and overall health.
Mid USA/Mr. New Mexico Competition
Training Innovations would like to congratulate both Franco Ntiforo (my nephew) and Andrea Medina for their stellar performances at the Mid USA/Mr. New Mexico competition held July 6th, 2013 at the Hispanic Cultural Center. My nephew Franco, who is only 16 years old, won 1st place in the teen divisions, the novice middleweight division, and the open middleweight division. And Andrea won 1st place in the masters figure divisions, and 2nd place in the open figure divisions. We needed a wheelbarrow to carry all of their trophies! Great job to you both. All the hard work is definitely paying off! Click here for more photos!