Too Busy Holiday Shopping, Forgot To Pack Your Meal??
Here are 5 tips to help you stay on your diet through the duration of your busy shopping excursion.
1. Consuming a balanced meal requires more than just eating healthy foods, counting calories, and omitting unhealthy choices. Selecting foods that are high in protein, fiber, healthy fats and a balance of carbohydrates will help you feel satiated between meals. When planning a marathon-shopping day, make sure you eat before setting out for your journey. Pack a protein bar to avoid any possible chance of skipping a meal. Thus will only result in a drop in blood sugar and energy depletion.
Just in Time for Bulking Season
Just in Time for Bulking Season
It is known in the fitness industry that athletes have different times of the year where we either bulk up(add quality muscle mass to our body by increasing our caloric content and training with heavier weights) or contest diet(diet down to extremely low levels of body fat while hopefully trying to maintain the quality muscle mass we built during the bulking phase). The contest diet part seems to be attainable for most athletes being that there are more contest prep coaches available for hire now and it is just easier in general to lose body fat than it is to build muscle. Bulking up and putting on quality muscle for many athletes seems to be as elusive as the Road Runner when Wiley Coyote is chasing him in the cartoons. They have absolutely no idea how to go about it. It would be easy to just add a bunch of extra calories by way of hamburgers, enchiladas, pizza, and candy, but I would wager that you would see your waistline expanding a lot quicker than your chest or biceps. In order to really put on that quality weight gain, it is important to increase your caloric intake slowly over time. You also need to eat nutritious, calorically dense foods and incorporate a high quality weight gainer.
Eating Too Little to Lose Weight?
Eating Too Little to Lose Weight?
That statement is a paradox that describes the thought process of the majority of my personal training clients. “If I eat less, I’ll lose weight.” Yes, it looks good on paper. The only problem is that our bodies are far too efficient and adaptive. When we eat less food our bodies simply spend less calories by slowing down the metabolism. So there really is such a thing as eating too little to lose weight. Most people seem to understand the concept better when I compare it to finances.
Supplementation for Adolescents
Supplementation for Adolescents
As a personal trainer who works with teen athletes I often get questions from both teens and their parents about adding supplements to their diet to increase performance and strength. Parents are often apprehensive about including supplements in their teen’s regimen and this is understandable since some supplements should not be taken by adolescents. The best approach to supplementation in a teen athlete’s diet is making sure that both parents and their teenage child are educated on which supplements are beneficial and safe for adolescents to use as well as correct dosage amounts. I recommend the following supplements for adolescents who participate in rigorous sports starting at around ages 14 to 16.
Do You Eat Clean?
Do You Eat Clean?
The majority the personal training clients that come to see me want to lose weight and change their physique so one of the first things I have them do is write down their current eating habits for me. Most of my new clientele believe they have been following a healthy, clean diet and this is not surprising with the enormous amounts of options in the grocery stores and restaurants that market themselves as low calorie, low fat choices. But most of these selections are deceptive and often lead to weight gain. So what does it really mean to eat clean? Here are some simple rules to follow that will help you meet your weight loss goals.
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Many of my personal training clients start working out with me with the intentions of losing weight to improve their physical health. But another benefit of engaging in a strength training and fitness program is the improvement of their mental well-being by increasing feelings of overall happiness.
Sodium – The Essential Mineral We All Avoid
Sodium – The Essential Mineral We All Avoid
Many of my personal training clients often wonder if they should reduce or eliminate sodium from their diet. Over the years sodium has gotten a bad reputation being linked to the risk of heart attack and stroke. As a result, several health organizations have urged people to reduce the amount of sodium consumed daily. But before a person drastically cuts or eliminates sodium from their diet it is important to understand the role sodium plays in the body for active people.
Casein: The Bedtime Protein
Casein: The Bedtime Protein
I highly recommend protein supplementation to my personal training clients in order to help develop their physiques. However, there are various types of protein supplements that work differently in the body and it can become very confusing as to what type of protein to take and when to take it. Most people are familiar with whey protein. It is a good choice as a protein supplementation before or after a weight training workout due to its quick and easy absorption rate which the muscles can immediately utilize for building and repairing muscle tissue. However, instead of whey protein, a casein protein supplement would be the optimal choice when consuming protein in the evening before bed.
Staying Young Through Weight Training
Staying Young Through Weight Training
The fountain of youth has been sought after since the beginning of time and as a result plastic surgery has become a multi-billion dollar industry. People spend ridiculous amounts of money on elective surgeries and procedures, and countless creams and cosmetics that all promise to restore youth and well-being. But the secret to the fountain of youth and a fit, strong body can be found in the gym, strength training.
Muscle Fiber: What Type Are You?
Muscle Fiber: What Type Are You?
Have you ever wondered why you see some people that look like they’ve been working out for a lifetime, when in fact they’ve never even lifted a weight? Genetics plays a big part in this and the type of muscle fiber you’re born with will often determine the type of sports you will excel in and even the type of physique you will eventually be able to build. Muscle is made up of bundles of fibers called slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fiber. Genetically, some people contain more of one type of fiber over the other. Slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fiber work in different ways.