Gluten Free Diets
Gluten Free Diets
One of the most common questions I get from my personal training clients lately is, “Should I eliminate gluten from my diet?” It has become the latest trend to go gluten free. At the grocery store entire sections market gluten free foods and restaurants offer gluten free dishes on their menus. More and more people are choosing to eliminate gluten from their diets in an effort to lose weight. But recognizing what gluten is and why a person would exclude it is important to understand before eliminating gluten from the diet.
Exercises For Better Biceps(Personal Trainer)
Exercises For Better Biceps
My male personal training clients are always interested in increasing the size of their biceps. Although biceps are not the largest muscle in the body, they are one of the most showy muscle groups. Incorporating the following exercises for better biceps in your routine will help you develop well defined biceps.
Staying Motivated – Three More Tips To Stay On Track With Your Fitness Goals
Can You Be Skinny and Fat at the Same Time?
Can You Be Skinny and Fat at the Same Time?
It seems like an oxymoron but being “skinny fat” is an actual medical condition known as metabolically obese normal weight or MONW. A person who falls into this category looks thin but is in fact under- lean and over- fat which means their body fat percentage is high and their muscle mass is low.
Steady State Cardio vs. High Intensity Interval Training Cardio
Steady State Cardio vs. High Intensity Interval Training Cardio
Cardio is important when working towards meeting your weight loss goals, but the way you do cardio will play a significant role in how much fat you burn and how quickly you lose it. The two types of cardio most commonly performed by people looking to lose weight are steady state cardio and high intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio.
Body Fat
Body Fat
Reducing abdominal fat is a common goal for my personal training clients looking to lose weight and improve their physique. But there are actually two different types of fat that affect the body and they play a different role in a person’s health and appearance. These two types of fat are called subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
Five Fat Fighting Foods
Five Fat Fighting Foods
Did you know there are certain foods you can add to your diet that will help you burn extra calories? Try adding these foods to your diet to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Do Fat Burners Work?
Do Fat Burners Work?
The quest of shedding unwanted pounds can be a slow process that takes both time and dedication to a healthy diet and steady exercise routine. At times it can seem difficult and I’ve had personal training clients ask me about adding fat burners as a supplement to help them achieve their goal. Before I recommend any type of fat burner, it is important to understand what fat burners are and how they work.
Do High Protein, Low Carb Diets Work?
Do High Protein, Low Carb Diets Work?
As a personal trainer, I have encountered many clients who have tried numerous diets in the pursuit of losing weight. One type of diet that many clients ask me about is high protein, low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins Diet or South Beach Diet. Do these diets work?
What is the Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise?
What is the Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise?
When most of my personal training clients think of losing weight they think of doing aerobic exercise but there are actually two different ways to burn calories: aerobic and anaerobic exercise. So what is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise?