Can Eating Red Meat Be Part of a Healthy Diet?
Can Eating Red Meat Be Part of a Healthy Diet?
Red meat has been controversial when it comes to eating a healthy diet. It is often associated with high cholesterol and saturated fats but there are health benefits associated with the consumption of red meat when the right cut and correct amount of lean red meat is incorporated in the diet.
Three Ways to Speed up Your Metabolism
Three Ways to Speed up Your Metabolism
One of the most common goals amongst my personal training clients is weight loss. When you think about weight loss, the mindset usually centers around diet and cardio, but one of the most important aspects of weight loss is often overlooked – the metabolism. Metabolism is a process where the body breaks down protein, carbohydrates or fat for energy to function daily and maintain itself. The rate at which your metabolism works depends on the number of calories consumed and the number of calories burnt during the day through activity. There are factors such as age, gender and genetics that play into the rate at which your metabolism burns fat but there are ways to boost your metabolism and increase the amount of fat and weight you would like to lose. The following three tips can increase your metabolism to help you meet your weight loss goals.
How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?
How Much Water A Day
Another question I often get from my personal training clients is how much water they should be drinking a day?
Organic vs. Non Organic: Is One Better Than The Other?
Organic vs. Non Organic: Is One Better Than The Other?
As my personal training clients begin their journey toward better health and fitness they often have questions about their diets. One of the most common questions I am asked concerning their diet is “Should I buy organic or non-organic food?” In order to make this decision it’s important to understand the difference between organic foods and non-organic foods.
The Importance of Fiber
The Importance of Fiber
I’m often asked by my personal training clients how much protein, carbohydrates and fats are in certain foods, but little thought is given to how much fiber is in their diet. Fiber actually plays a very important role for not only weight loss but also in a person’s overall health.
Three Tips to Curb A Sweet Tooth
Three Tips to Curb A Sweet Tooth
One of the frequently asked questions I get from my personal training clients is how do I resist my sweet cravings. Working towards losing weight can be difficult when cravings strike, especially the craving for sugar. From birth, sugar is the first preferred taste we have. Sugar is a carbohydrate and when we consume carbohydrates the brain releases serotonin and endorphins which can induce feelings of calmness and relaxation. The problem, however, is even though sugar can give you a quick boost of energy, that energy boost quickly plummets and often leaves you craving more sugar which leaves you feeling even more tired than you were before. This can lead to a vicious cycle of overconsumption of sugar and calories which defeats your weight loss goals. To combat cravings for sugar give the following tips a try.
Less is More – Muscle Recovery
Less is More – Muscle Recovery
I often encounter new personal training clients who believe that spending several days in a row lifting at the gym is what it takes to build bigger, stronger muscles. But too much time spent lifting weights is not only ineffective but also counterproductive when working towards strengthening and building muscle mass. Two essential components of a sound lifting regimen are making sure to train the appropriate amount of time for your body and scheduling adequate time for rest between workouts.
Cardio vs. Weight Training
Cardio vs. Weight Training
Often times my female personal training clients are mainly interested in losing weight and believe they can get the body they want by doing cardio alone. While cardio is effective for burning calories, is it more effective than strength training?
The misconceptions amongst some women are that to burn fat and lose weight you do cardio and to build muscle and put on weight you strength train, but this is not quite true. Building a lean, shapely, well-proportioned physique requires strength training and this is why.
The Importance of Stretching
The Importance of Stretching
One question I always get asked by my personal training clients is, “How important is it to stretch?” Stretching muscles is very important for many reasons. Stretching improves the appearance of the body by lengthening the muscle for a lean, toned look. It can help increase flexibility and range of motion which are important for joint health. Stretching can improve athletic performance by increasing muscular coordination. It can also aid in preventing muscle soreness and stimulate the muscles so they recover quicker. Most importantly though is stretching can prevent or decrease the risk of activity related injuries.
Eat Breakfast to Lose Weight
Eat Breakfast to Lose Weight
One thing I emphasize with all of my personal training clients is the importance of eating a good breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but most people are in such a rush in the morning that breakfast is often skipped or consists of the wrong foods. Studies have shown that people who eat a healthy, balanced breakfast are most successful at losing and maintaining weight loss. How can eating a healthy breakfast help you lose weight?