How Much Do You Really Weigh?
How Much Do You Really Weigh?
As my personal training clients work towards their fitness goals we often gauge their progress by the amount of weight they have lost. Using the scale as a way to measure their progress is a good way to set fitness goals to work towards but there are some factors to take into consideration.
Staying Motivated – 3 Tips to Stay on Track With Your Fitness Goals
Staying Motivated – 3 Tips to Stay on Track With Your Fitness Goals
Spring has sprung and that means Summer is just around the corner. As Winter comes to an end motivation tends to wan. Try these tips to keep you motivated and get you ready for your Summer wardrobe.
Three Exercises to Help You Tighten Your Tummy
Three Exercises to Help You Tighten Your Tummy
One of the most frequently asked questions from my personal training clients is, how do I lose my belly? My response to them is, unfortunately we can’t pick and choose the areas which we want our bodies to drop fat. Our genetics determine which area of our body’s deposit fat first and drop fat last. However, we can develop the muscles in certain areas which will give the area a more firm, toned appearance. If you are looking to tone and tighten your abs, try these three exercises to get you on your way.
Weight Training Prevents Osteoporosis
Weight Training Prevents Osteoporosis
A major concern for many of my female personal training clients as they age is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones become weak or brittle due to a loss of bone density. The onset of osteoporosis takes place when the body does not create enough new bone tissue to replace old bone tissue. This can result in bone fractures or broken bones and because osteoporosis develops very slowly it often takes people by surprise. Osteoporosis can have detrimental effects on a person including severe pain, loss of mobility, hunched over posture and depression.
Lifting Weights to Lose Weight
Lifting Weights to Lose Weight
There is a common misconception, often amongst my female personal training clients, that lifting weights will increase their weight and make their body look bulky. But a strength training program can achieve quite the opposite effect when a person is looking to lose weight and burn fat. An increase in muscle will not only create a leaner, more toned look to the body but will also speed up your body’s metabolism.
Types of Whey Protein
Types of Whey Protein
I always have my personal training clients that are strength training or looking to improve their physique use a good quality whey protein. It is a great source of protein due to its biological value meaning that a large portion of the protein can easily be absorbed by the body and used for building muscle.
Good Fats vs. Bad Fats
Good Fats vs. Bad Fats
When my personal training clients think about losing weight they think about eliminating fat. There are so many products in the grocery stores that market themselves as fat free. But our bodies actually need fat to survive. Fats are responsible for maintaining healthy skin, providing essential fatty acids for growth and cell development, transporting fat-soluble vitamins and providing energy the body needs to function.
How Much Sugar Is In Your Diet?
How Much Sugar Is In Your Diet?
Americans consume sugar in their diets in two different ways. There are natural occurring sugars that are found in foods like fruit and milk. Then there are sugars that are added to foods. This can be processed foods like desserts, breads, cereals, and juices to name a few. It can also be sugar, honey, or sweeteners that people add into items like coffee or tea.
Whey protein vs. Soy protein
Protein: Whey vs. Soy
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is: What kind of protein is superior, whey or soy? In order to answer that question you must first have an understanding of the differences between them and how they work in the body.
Flexing For Arnold
I recently attended the 2014 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic and Fit Expo held in Columbus, Ohio. The Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic is a professional bodybuilding, fitness, figure, bikini, and physique competition that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself sanctions every year.