Diet and Blood Pressure!

Diet and Blood Pressure!

IMG_2218High blood pressure is a serious health concern among Americans. It affects more in the US each year. Over time, it causes blood vessel damage that can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and other serious issues. Hypertension also known as the silent killer produces no symptoms. If you don’t get your blood pressure checked regularly, hypertension could go unnoticed, and untreated, for years. Exercise is a great way to manage your blood pressure. However, it is imperative to follow a healthy diet in addition to exercise and strength training. Because your diet plays such an important role in whether you have high or normal blood pressure readings, dietary recommendations for lowering blood pressure include reducing your intake of fat, sodium, and alcohol. Eating foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium should make up a big part of your diet. In general, you should eat more low-fat protein sources, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

  • Leafy Greens- Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, arugula, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, and spinach are high in potassium. Opt for fresh or frozen greens, as canned vegetables contain excess sodium.
  • Berries-Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are easy to add to your diet. Berries are rich in natural compounds called flavonoids. Consuming these compounds may prevent hypertension, and possibly help to reduce high blood pressure.
  • Potatoes-Potatoes are high in both potassium and magnesium, two minerals that can help to lower your blood pressure. They are also high in fiber, which is necessary for an overall healthy diet. Instead of topping this healthy choice with fattening and salty butter or sour cream, try adding plain yogurt or salsa for flavor.
  • Low Fat Milk-Increase the amount of calcium-rich foods that consume. Low-fat milk is an excellent source of calcium. Calcium is another important element of a diet for lowering blood pressure. If you don’t care for milk, substitute low-fat or non-fat yogurt. Just beware of those that are high in sugar.
  • Oatmeal-High-fiber, low-fat, and low-sodium foods are ideal for lowering your blood pressure, and oatmeal fits that bill. Oatmeal is a great way to begin your day, for it is a slow digesting complex carb full of fiber.

For more information on managing your blood pressure through diet and exercise, looking to get in shape, live a healthier lifestyle, or if you’re frustrated with your current level of fitness and thinking about hiring a personal trainer, contact us.

Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
