Five Tips To Control Your Cravings

IMG_2266Five Tips To Control Your Cravings

Who hasn’t fallen victim to a delicious bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream or that glazed donut that you gulped down in two bites while trying to follow your diet religiously?  We know that an occasional cheat meal will not sabotage your week of healthy eating, however, sometimes that one bite can lead to a complete week if binge eating. With these six tips and some practice, you will have no fear of driving right past the ice cream shop without wanting to make a pit stop!

  • Don’t assume all carbs are bad. Keeping complex carbohydrates in your diet will keep you full longer while providing you with the energy you need to get through that next workout. No need to cut out carbs all together. This can be bad for your health and cause a terrible rebound when you add them back into your meal plan. Grains, fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber are great forms of clean carbohydrates to replace sugars.
  • Eat Clean: Keeping a clean diet and following a well-balanced meal plan is key when it comes to staying focused. Try refueling by adding in another healthy meal if you are having cravings or feeling depleted. Also, finding a new healthy way to make your favorite dish is a great way to accomplish a cheat meal and not get out of control with your diet or defeat your goals.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking more water is the best way to keep full and keep cravings at bay. Most of us could add more water to our day than we currently drink. This will also help flush toxins you have previously put into your body and in turn keep those cravings at bay.
  • Tea Time Anyone: Unsweetened teas and green teas are another solution that can aid in controlling cravings. Water isn’t the most flavorful beverage, so tea is a great way to add some flavor into your routine. Not to mention the caffeine may give you a little kick and boost your metabolism.
  • Eat Healthy Fats To Fight Fat: These fats are crucial to a healthy balanced meal plan. If you are trying to diet without them, you may have more cravings. Your body needs healthy fats and will trigger cravings if you are not getting them. Fish, nuts, oils and avocados are a few great examples.

For more tips on curbing those cravings, getting in shape, eating healthy, weight training, health and wellness, or if you’re frustrated with your current level of fitness and have been thinking about hiring a personal trainer, contact us.

Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
