Three Exercises to Build a More Muscular Chest

Three Exercises to Build a More Muscular Chest


IMG_2796The most common question I get asked, whether it be from one of my personal training clients or from a person I just met in passing is, “How much can you bench press?”  It seems everyone wants to know how to develop a more muscular chest.  Well, when it comes to building a more developed chest I’ve always believed in sticking to the basics.  Here are three exercises that I have used from day one and still continue to use in order to build my chest.

Incline presses – This exercise is the best exercise for upper chest development and should be performed on a 30 to 45 degree incline bench.  Either barbell or dumbells will work.  I like to alternate between the two.  Choose a weight that will allow you to be in control of the movement from the start to the finish.  The weight should be brought down slowly to the upper chest until the chest is in a fully stretched position.  Then  press the weight up to arms length until you feel a full contraction in the chest muscles.  3 to 4 sets of 6 to 12 reps should thoroughly exhaust your upper chest.

Flat bench presses – I like to perform this exercise after doing my incline presses for a couple of reasons.  First, your upper chest is usually harder to develop than your lower chest and thus should be worked first in the exercise rotation while the muscles are their freshest.  And second, when you do bench presses after incline press, the chest is more fatigued and there is less chance of your ego getting involved by trying to use a weight that is too heavy.  This exercise is my number one exercise for overall chest development and should be performed on a flat bench.  Again, either barbell or dumbells will work.  The weight should be brought down slowly to the nipple line until the chest is in a fully stretched position.  Then press the weight up to arms length until you feel a full contraction in the chest.  3 to 4 sets of 6 to 12 reps should have your chest screaming for mercy.

Flys – My final exercise for chest is incline or flat dumbell flys.  This exercise can either be performed on a flat bench or an incline bench.  Take a pair of dumbells and lie on a bench and extend your arms directly over your chest while holding the dumbells.  Create a slight bend in your elbows and slowly descend the weight in an arching motion to the bottom position.  Almost as if hugging a tree.  Let the arms come down far enough for the chest to be in a fully stretched position.  Then raise the weight back up to the top position until the dumbells touch at the top and you feel a full contraction in the chest muscles.

For more tips on building a more muscular chest, eating healthy, weight training, health and wellness, or if you’re frustrated with your current level of fitness and have been thinking about hiring a personal trainer, contact us.


Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
