Tips For Keeping Your New Year Resolutions

Tips For Keeping Your New Year Resolutions

Tips for keeping your new year resolutions - Contact Training Innovations (505)261-1253If you are like most Americans, you too have made some kind of New Year’s Resolution at some time in your life-and then broken it. This is the year to stop that vicious cycle of resolving to make change, and then not following through. Follow these tips for keeping your  New Year Resolutions, have a better year, and getting healthy in the process.

1. First Things First-Emphasize WILL Instead of WANT

How you think of a goal and approach it is critical to achieving it. Your mindset has to be that you WILL accomplish what you set out to do. Determination is imperative! A goal is not something you merely WANT or desire, instead it is something you WILL accomplish.

2. Be realistic-Make your Goal Attainable.

The surest way to fall short of your goal and prevent yourself from seeing success is to set an unattainable goal. For instance, resolving to never eat your favorite food or favorite dessert again is setting your-self up to fail.

3. Be Specific

Saying you want to be thin or fit is vague. It is a sure way to sabotage your-self. No one can really tell you what being “thin” of “fit” really means. These are unknown quantities that change depending on what your perception of these things may be. Instead, focus on objective targets, for instance numbers in weight or inches.

4. Outline your Plan-Put it On Paper

Temptation is inevitable. Decide how you will deal with it when it arises. What will you do when you feel that urge to indulge in that piece of chocolate cake or skip that dreaded workout? This could include contacting a personal trainer to keep you on track and provide that support we all need.

5. Talk About It-Don’t Keep It A Secret

Choose your support system and share your goals with family and friends that will encourage you and provide assistance to keep you on track. The best case-scenario is to find a buddy who shares your New Year’s Resolution and bring them to the gym with you. Together you will resolve to make changes that will lead to a happy healthier lifestyle.

6. Track Your Progress

Keep track with each small success. Short-term goals that are realistic are easier to keep and with that being said each small accomplishment will keep you motivated. Keep a food and exercise journal to keep you on track and reward yourself for each success and progression made. Not with food of course!!!

To get more tips for keeping your New Year Resolutions, staying in shape, or if you’ve been thinking about hiring a personal trainer, contact us.

Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
